
Watch BJ the Chicago Kid's "The New Cupid" featuring Kendrick Lamar (Video)

Hannibul Buress though!

L ongtime collaborators BJ the Chicago Kid and Kendrick Lamar reunite on BJ's "The New Cupid." The song comes from BJ’s Motown debut album In My Mind, which is now available on iTunes. Director Matt Barnes captures the soulful sounds of BJ and the funky rhymes of Kendrick in the comical visuals below, starring Hannibal Buress with a cameo from IAMSU!.

Watch BJ the Chicago Kid's "The New Cupid" featuring Kendrick Lamar (Video) Watch BJ the Chicago Kid's "The New Cupid" featuring Kendrick Lamar (Video) Reviewed by Unknown on 3/25/2016 01:09:00 AM Rating: 5
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